Our Nurse Call Buttons, Pull Cords & Air Switches

Pear Push Lead
Pear push call lead for standard nurse call system. IP67 rated to enable dip sterilisation.
Part No. S64-PPL

Big Red Button
Large surface area for people to press. Ideal for those who find it difficult to use a pear push call lead.
Part No. S64-JBS

IR Ceiling Pull
Wireless ceiling pull cord can be located by the shower area to operate the nurse call point.
Part No. S64-CPC/IR

Anti-Ligature Cord
The wipe-clean anti-ligature cord has weak zones every 15cm, designed to break apart when pulled with a force of 12kg (+/- 1kg).
Part No. S64-ALPC

Air Bulb Lead
Easy to squeeze air bulb, for people with reduced motor skills. The air bulb floats, making it ideal for people who can bathe themselves.
Part No. S64-ABL

Air Disc/Pad
For use on the floor for people who cannot operate a push button.
Part No. S64-FADL

HTM Patient Call Lead
Patient call lead for HTM nurse call system. Patient call reassurance LED. Backlight for easy location. IP67 rated to enable dip sterilisation.
Part No. S64-PPL

HTM PPL + Light Switch
Patient call lead with light switch for HTM nurse call system. Patient call reassurance LED. Backlight for easy location. Bedside light switch (requires bedside light relay assembly) IP67 rated to enable dip sterilisation.
Part No. S64-PPL-BSL