Our Personal Alarms & Staff Alarms

Infra-Red Wrist Button
A rechargeable infra-red wrist button, allows residents to trigger a nurse call or ceiling unit remotely.
Part No. S64-IRWR-36

Resident Infra-Red Fob
A rechargeable infra-red fob, allows residents to trigger a nurse call or ceiling unit remotely. Features an anti-ligature lanyard.
Part No. S64-IRFR-36

Staff Infra-Red Fob
A rechargeable infra-red fob, allows staff to trigger a nurse call or ceiling unit remotely. 2 alarms (staff call & Emergency). Staff ID can be logged, when attending/resetting calls or for night rounds. Anti-ligature lanyard.
Part No. S64-IRFS-36

Pendant (Radio Only)
Rechargeable radio pendant, ideal for residents to use in the garden. Anti-ligature emergency neck cord toggle. Optional man-down alarm.
Part No. S64-NPEN-RO

Pendant (Dual-Tech)
Rechargeable dual-tech pendant. Radio alarm signal direct to system and infra-red alarm signals provide location via nurse call or ceiling unit. Anti-ligature emergency neck cord toggle. Optional man-down alarm.
Part No. S64-NPEN-36

Staff Alarm BeltClip
Rechargeable staff alarm beltclip. Radio alarm signal direct to system and infra-red alarm signals provide location via nurse call or ceiling unit. Emergency rip-cord. Optional man-down alarm.
Part No. S64-SBC-36