Our Sensors & Monitors – Extracare

Bed/Chair Exit Monitor
With immediate alert or delayed alerts, to allow residents to go to the bathroom. If they are not back within set time the nurse call will be triggered. Both the pear push call lead and a mat can be connected to the monitor at the same time.
Part No. S64-OBM

Chair Exit Kit
Exit monitor with an immediate alert or delayed alerts and chair mat. Connect a pear push call lead and mat into the monitor at the same.

Bed Exit Kit
Exit monitor with an immediate alert or delayed alerts and bed mat. Connect a pear push call lead and mat into monitor at the same.

Pressure Mat
A range of pressure mats are available to connect to the nurse call. Bed/floor mat (EC-PRM), chair mat: (EC-CH-PR) and heavy-duty floor mats (EC-HVY-PRM)
Part No. S64-PRM

Movement Sensor
The PIR movement sensor can be used to monitor when a resident leaves their bed. It can also be used to monitor when someone enters or exits the bedroom door.

Enuresis Sensor
The enuresis sensor will trigger the nurse call when moisture is detected so that staff can attend.
Part No. EC-EN1

Epilepsy Sensor
The Emfit Tonic-Clonic Seizure monitor is designed for monitoring and detecting seizures of a sleeping person with epilepsy. The Emfit monitor also features a bed exit function.
Part No. EC-EMFT

Epilepsy Sensor with Microphone
Tonic/Clonic seizure movement detection with built in microphone to detect vocalisation.
Part No. EC-EP1

Pillow Switch
The pillow switch is smooth and soft – suitable for head or cheek activation.
Part No. EC-PWSW