Interested In The Installation Of Our Emergency Alarms?

Alarm Radio Monitoring offers a wide range of emergency buttons and
pagers which make an economical solution for a variety of applications and
situations to raise the alarm for assistance, to handle an emergency or
protect a lone worker.

Our emergency alarms are essential safety systems for swimming pools,
leisure centres, gyms, sports halls, studios or hotel bedrooms.

Alarm Points

Panels & DIsplays

Paging Systems

Data Analysis

Why Choose Our Emergency Buttons & Alarm Systems?

  • Quick, easy installation – ensuring minimal disruption.
  • Wireless alarm units – battery-powered so there’s no need for any cabling which means the system can flex to changing needs.
  • Waterproof pagers – alarms relayed directly to staff to ensure the most rapid response.
  • Visual & audible – sounders and beacons can be connected to the system to provide visual and audible notification of an incident.
  • Wireless over door indicator lights can easily be fitted outside toilets or hotel bedrooms to provide local alert.
  • Fully monitored, expandable system – complete wireless emergency alarm system with low battery usage and clear display panels.

Do You Have An Enquiry?

Get in touch with us if you have any questions or enquiries.